Sunday, November 25, 2007

#23 Is this really the end?

Wow, I've finished!! Thsi exercise has been very intriguing and worthwhile. There was quite a few things you can do that I never knew about. Favourites include flickr - a great way of adding and manipulating photos to show the world, and also LibraryThing. This would be very useful for me to catalogue lp's at home. I wasn't too keen on delicious or technorati, but found the existence of ZohoWriter fantastic! Even though the branch I am at does now have Word, it will be great to tell patrons of those branches that, as yet, don't. Patrons can benefit from all of these mentioned as well as being able to listen to books online and then downloading them to their ipod! All in all, although at times very hard to get time at work to do this program, and finding some links not working, the program was very beneficial to me, and therefore, to our patrons. Cheers.


The Chicken or the Egg? said...

Yippee you have finished, congratulations. You must have finished it at home. Me too! It can be hard at work to get to a computer to do some blogging. Perhaps talking to your supervisor may help find a solution? K

The Chicken or the Egg? said...
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